Swift emergency help from genuine LOCAL upvc locksmiths covering Bexhill, Battle, St. Leonard’s, Hastings, Pett and surrounding areas.
Welcome to Surelock Homes-East Sussex. Your local independent upvc locksmiths company.
Surelock Homes are UPVC door lock and mechanism experts we cover everything from Cylinders gearboxes mechanisms and door and window furniture.
Established since 2008 we are experts in any upvc problems even if parts are dis-continued you will never need a new door worse case we can find an alternative.
Usually the whole mechanism does not need replacing just the centre gearbox or even just the cylinder or the door just needs re-aligning.
As there are so many different style parts on the market its impossible to know the problem until we are at the property where we can properly diagnosis the issues we can give rough quotes over the phone if needed.
We offer a low cost service and call outs are 30 minutes emergencies or within 1 hour for non-emergencies.
We are open 7 days a week and we do not put prices up at weekends or bank holidays
Many discounts are available for Senior Citizens NHS staff emergency services disabilities and all charities please ask when calling.